Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday, Monday, Monday

Monday comes too soon! I swear I just left work and then my weekend zooms by. The weekend was a good one. I missed Mat since he was camping, but had a ton of fun with my parents and my sister.

This week we don't really have a lot of plans. I do have an appointment to get my makeup done Thursday morning, which should be fun! I had originally ordered makeup from my dermatologist and then after waiting a month, they told me that they decided to switch to a different kind of makeup. Grr... So I switched to a different dermatologist and am going to have a consult with one of the people there. It seems like it will be fun! It is supposed to be really good makeup and this was my birthday present from my parents. I am looking forward to that.

Mat and I are going to try to take a little day trip this weekend. We haven't really had much time to do this over the last year, so we thought it would be fun for this weekend. We'll probably shoot for Sunday, since he has to work on Saturday. Now we just have to find something to do! We have this great book of waterfalls for the Northwest, so we were thinking about going to find one of those. We also have a great discovering Idaho book, so we'll do some research this week to see what sounds like fun.

It is cold and rainy here today. I thought we were over this cold thing for a few months, but no such luck. It looks like it should be nice this weekend and later this week. We're ready to use Mat's new grill! Well, we have to season it first and then we'll really be ready. We got some steaks and chicken to make this week.

That's about it for now. More later if I can think of it!

1 comment:

Deana said...

We went to Wyoming yesterday for a couple of hours. I'm hoping this weekend we will go somewhere more interesting!

Hope you have a good week!