Thursday, August 16, 2007

Still Unpacking...

We are still living amongst the boxes! But we are slowly, but surely getting things unpacked. We got all of our spices into our new magnetic spice jars, which are so, so, so cute. We made little labels and I think they turned out great. There is a lot to do this weekend, but I think my main goal is to get all of our files organized. This is something I have been wanting to do for a long time and now I finally have everything I need! I can't help the fact that I love office supplies and organization.

I'm ready for the weekend! I keep hoping that if I can get a lot unpacked then I can start updating our blog more often and actually putting pictures up. I can't wait to be able to do all of this fun stuff online. Our computer is great, but in our apartment the connection was worthless, so I feel like I can really use it to its maximum potential now that our connection is great!

In case I don't get to write any more for a few days - Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Chi said...

ooh, im jealous of your magnetic spice jars. i have been wanting some for forever! good luck on unpacking!