Friday, August 29, 2008
Oh, the Shame!
I'm ready for a good, long weekend. Mat and I are hoping to do some more research on our garden for next Spring. We want to get most everything ready before winter hits, so next Spring all we have to do is wait for the ground to warm up and plant some things! So I might head to the library tomorrow to look for some books on gardening.
I am also hopeful that Mat and I could get out and do some photography. We have been wanting to do some practicing with everything we learned from our camera class a few weeks ago.
But you know what? If all we do is just hang out and enjoy each other's company, I'll be more than okay with that.
Hope everyone has a safe and fun Labor Day!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Readers Beware!
Our fattest of our two kitties, Dr. Benjamin Wiggles, went to the vet today for a checkup and to look at his leg. He's been limping a little lately and then he holds his little (fat) paw up when he sits down like he doesn't want to put weight on it. The vet said that it was a little sensitive, so he guessed that it was probably because his excess weight and jumping up and down on things. So he has some medicine and we'll see if that helps it at all. Poor little guy! The vet did say that he has lost 4 pounds in the two and a half years we have had him and that is really good! Puff didn't go to the vet. I told her she doesn't have to go anymore unless she is really sick.
I'm off to read for a little bit. Have a good night!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Latest Happenings
Our biggest news is that we're going to buy new windows for our house! It's going to be a lot, but we figure it is something that is really worth it to us. Our windows are actually painted shut right now and they are only a single pane. So you can imagine how new windows are going to affect our heating and cooling bills! We met with several different people in town and finally settled on Champion windows, which seem to have everything we were looking for. I think it will be so wonderful to have new windows and be able to enjoy fall with our windows open!!
Tonight we are going to take it easy and watch tv, one of our favorite sports. Have a great night!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Last Days...
My favorite towel animal of the bunch:
And a lovely picture from the Grand Buffet:
I forgot about the Grand Gala Buffet! We were so excited about this buffet because it was supposed to be all this fancy schmancy food and we thought it would be fun. It was cool to see some of the designs they did, but it seemed more for show than for eating! We took a couple pictures while we were there and none of them turned out too great. But you can see all our miscellaneous photos by clicking on the elephant towel animal.
Our journey home was relatively painless. LAX was a bit of a nightmare and I think by that time we were so ready to get home and see our family, friends and especially kitties! And boy, did they miss us!
And that about does it for our honeymoon. It was a wonderful two weeks and I am so thankful that we could spend that two weeks together!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Day Thirteen
We got some pretty great pictures, so that was fun! It was overcast and looked like it might rain any minute, but we didn't really get any rain until later and that was when we were on the bus. You can kind of see in the pictures that there are a ton of birds (don't ask what kind they are), but they were really cool because they were just gliding around and for some reason I just found them fascinating! The boat just took us to the tip and then turned around and headed back to the dock. Then we all loaded up on buses and headed to our first stop on the "by land" part of the tour.
Our first stop was at a restaurant that was open for dinners only, but they open it up to tours to take some pictures of the coast and Cabo. So we had a few minutes to take pictures and everyone got a free bottle of water. If you look closely in the picture above, you can see our cruise ship docked in the middle of the water (it was too shallow to pull up to the port) and the Los Arcos from far away. This was taken from the restaurant we stopped at.
Our next stop was in the sister city of Cabo, which was called San Jose del Cabo. I didn't realize that when when people said Los Cabos, they were referring to the two cities together. Interesting stuff, huh? Anyway, we got to walk around their town square and saw a mission church and looked in a couple shops.
Then we headed to Mat and I's favorite stop, but I don't think anyone else really liked it. The Cactus Arboretum! There were tons of cacti and we had a great time playing with our new camera and taking pictures. We only had a few minutes there, so that kind of stunk.
After that, we headed to the glass blowing factory where we saw a guy make an angel right there in front of our eyes. It was pretty cool to see the glass blowing process. We had a couple minutes to look in their store, but that didn't seem like enough time either!
Then we headed back to the ship to head home. :( But we still had one more day at sea and there was more fun to be had before our honeymoon was officially over! For all of our pictures from Cabo, click on the picture of the cactus leaf below. Be warned, there are quite a few of them!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Day Twelve
And then we saw these great street vendors who were selling fresh seafood. You can see they have shrimp and scallops in those buckets:
We headed then over to the newer part of Mazatlan, where all the new hotels were located. There were lots of shops and then the beach!
We tried to put our feet in as many beaches as we could, so we checked this one right off the list! Then we headed back to the ship and left Mazatlan around 5:30 pm. This was a great stop and we really enjoyed the stories Pablo told us. The one disappointing thing about the day was that our nice, brand new camera totally fogged up right at the beginning. You can see all our pictures if you click on the picture of Mat. So you can see where the camera got so foggy and I was so worried that it was ruined. We had our other little camera and that was what we took the rest of the pictures with. But we got back on the ship and it cleared right up, so it just must have been the humidity there.
Yikes! Only 3 days left of our recap! Perfect timing though because our niece's 1st birthday party is on Sunday and we can't wait!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Day Eleven
So we exit the ship and on our way out, we had to take like 5 different pictures with different dressed up people and one parrot. Of course, you can always buy these great pictures later! So we walk around for a minute, but there wasn't much to see where we were. We really needed to get in a cab to go to their downtown area. So we piled in a van with several other people from the cruise and when we got off, we found out we had only $3 in cash. We had totally forgotten to cash our traveler's check before we left the ship. Oops. So a nice lady had to pay for the other $5 we owed the cab driver and that was totally embarassing. We were just thankful she was there!
So we set out walking around, with the main goal of trying to find someone that could cash our traveler's check. Of course, we did find an american express place, but they were closed and said they had moved their new office to some address that we had no way of knowing where it was! We eventually found a money exchange place and got pesos. Whoosh. At least we could get back to the ship now! Which is basically what we did. We had already seen that the shops were nothing we wanted, so we just headed back to the boat. We had lunch and then went back out to go on our excursion!
Our excursion was the Tropical Jungle Paradise Tour. We boarded a bus that was supposedly air conditioned and headed up to the jungle. We made a stop along the way so everyone could take pictures of these little islands that looked like a turtle.
Click me for all the pictures in Puerta Vallarta!
That evening was the same for us - we had dinner and went to the show again. We did have a fun day, but weren't sad to be moving on to our next port of Mazatlan!