Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What a Weekend!!!

Wahoo! I'm an Aunt, I'm an Aunt! She's here, she's here! Violet Josephine was born on Saturday, August 4 at 4:34 pm! She is 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. She's adorable and all pink and cute! My sister did so awesome. She had her naturally and it went pretty fast. They are home now and settling in with their new little girl. I can't believe she's finally here. She is such a cutie. So tiny!

What a weekend! It was one of our best by far! It all started on Friday. Fridays are always wonderful to begin with. But this Friday was our last Friday in our apartment! Hooray for that. I did start out Friday by being annoyed. I had set up the cable company to come out on Friday and turn on our cable, but it was 4:30 and I still hadn't heard anything from them. So I called them and talked with some lady who I had set up everything with and she had written everything down wrong. It ended up not being a huge deal and they came out on Saturday, but I always have trouble with dumb cable companies so it was just annoying. So Friday night we went to bed early since Mat had to work and I wanted to get an early start on finishing all the packing.

Saturday I spent the whole day packing and waiting for the cable people to call. Mat got home and I told him to take a nap since I needed his help later. So he napped and I went and met the cable guy. He moved some of our outlets around and replaced some wires and I just kind of tinkered around the house. As I was on my way home to get Mat, I called my mom and she said that my sister was in labor! After that, Mat and I went to clean my work. Mat came and got me when I was vacuuming and said my mom had called. So I called her back and my sister already had the baby! So we super fast wrapped up the cleaning and went to the hospital. She was already out in her post labor room, so we got to go see her! It was so exciting to see her and meet her finally. We went up to her room while my sister finished getting cleaned up and then I got to hold my little niece Violet. By this time, it was 7:30 and we still had a lot of work to do before our move on Sunday. So we left and ran some errands. My parents called and wanted to get a quick dinner, so we did that and then went to our house to unload a few things they brought to us. Mat and I finished up at the house and went home to fall into bed.

The next day we were up early for our move! We got our uhaul and started as soon as Mat's family got to the house. I started doing some cleaning as they were moving so I would be out of the way. And I finished packing some things I hadn't done yet. We had everything moved by 3:30 except the food in our fridge! Our families were so helpful and I can't imagine what we would have done without them! They were all awesome. After we got the stuff moved, Mat's family (who did all the heavy lifting!) left and we went back to our apartment with my parents to clean up. That was so great too! My parents did so much throughout the day to help us and I am so happy they could be there to help us out! They left and Mat and I did the last touches of cleaning (which included him lifting me up so I could clean the fan!) And emptied out the fridge and we were done! So then we got some food and went home to sit down. We watched a couple tv shows and that was it!

Monday we got a ton unpacked, but it is still a work in progress. We'll get it done in no time though. We got so much done yesterday. Too bad we both had to go back to work today! So that's my novel! A very busy weekend for the two of us! We'll get pictures up soon. We hooked up the computer last night and it is so much faster. So look forward to many more pictures than before!


Deana said...

Congrats on your new niece! what a beautiful name!

Chi said...

Congrats on being an auntie AND being a homeowner! I'm so happy for you!