Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I Heart 3 Day Weekends

It was so nice to have a three day weekend! I felt like Mat and I actually had an entire weekend together. Since he works on Saturdays, it seems like we really only get Saturday night and then Sunday together. So it was mucho fun.

We did a lot of work on our future garden. Mostly research work. But we did take some measurements and decide where all of our raised beds are going. Mat also started on our compost bin. We bought the materials for that, but decided to wait until next weekend to buy more supplies. The idea is that we'll build everything now and it won't be so hard financially in the spring to start up the garden. We'll have to buy seeds, plants and soil, but at least we'll have the basic design ready to go.

We haven't actually mapped out what will go in each raised bed yet, but we did list out everything we would like to grow. We'll keep working to find out what can go where and how it will all fit together. I didn't realize how much really goes into this whole gardening thing. Not only do you have to think about what plants work well together, you also have to think about what you can plant with your veggies to keep bad bugs away and good bugs to come in! The nice thing is that we can plan what is going in the ground all winter. We just want to get a jump start on the beds.

We now have two pumpkins! One is teensy tiny and the other is growing at a nice steady pace. I don't know if either of them will be big enough for us to carve, but I can sure hope. We might even get more!

I'll try to take some pictures next weekend as Mat continues his work on the compost bin. He's just my little carpenter!

It's starting to get cooler here and I sure don't like it. I don't really mind fall, but it does mean that winter is on its way and our winters just last forever. The one thing to look forward to is all the new shows coming up! Mat and I looked through my favorite tv website (The Futon Critic)to determine what we'll try out for the fall. I'm sure we'll end up throwing some shows out after we try one or two episodes.

I've got a big conference coming up in less than two weeks. AAH! Is it really that soon? I'll try to get some posts up here, but after staring at a computer for 9+ hours, I usually don't want to come home and get on ours again. I'll do my best though!

1 comment:

Chi said...

Is it big conference time again? Good luck!!!! I can't wait to see how your garden turns out. I tried to grow herbs once and I couldn't even manage that:( I'm pretty sure I've been graced with a black thumb!