It has been way too long since my last post! I am sure everyone wonders what I have been doing that has kept me so busy. Well, first I would have to say work. I have been working like crazy this week and I still have a lot left to do on my list. We have a Board Meeting next week where I’ll be out of the office from Tuesday to Friday night. Which, unfortunately, is happening right when my mom is having surgery. But my Dad and my sister will be here to take care of her and then I’ll get to see her on Saturday when I get back. Work can be a real pain in the rear if you ask me.
Last weekend, my mom and I spent many hours working on Mat’s announcements for graduation. I think they turned out really good and I was proud of how they turned out. We have had a couple people call and thought they turned out really good! I’m sure some of the people haven’t actually received them yet. We are both really looking forward to his graduation. Only 3 weeks from tomorrow and he will be finished! I can’t actually believe it. I’m so happy and so proud of how awesome he has done in school, not to mention that he did it while he was working a ton and still did so great!
This weekend, our friend Marcus will be here, so Mat and I are really looking forward to seeing him. We are going out tonight to hang out and paint the town red. I don’t know what we have in store for the rest of the weekend, but I am hoping it has to do with relaxing! Maybe some movie watching, who really knows?
That’s about all I know for now. This week just blew by!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Hooray for Breaks!
I decided to "take five" and update my blog. Sometimes I just need to get away from my work so I can get refocused. Sometimes my work is just boring and I want a distraction!
I think we decided on a design for Mat's announcements! They are simple, but I think they will turn out nice and for a lot less than if we bought them. We did a test run last night and decided on the layout and font and all that stuff. Mat helped me do everything. I think making announcements is more fun than writing his paper.
Tonight my mom and I are going to get everything we need to complete the announcements. I will try to refrain from buying anything else. But I can't make any promises! All of these cards are so cute and all I want to do is just sit at home making cards. And look at cards other people have made.
Back to work time!
I think we decided on a design for Mat's announcements! They are simple, but I think they will turn out nice and for a lot less than if we bought them. We did a test run last night and decided on the layout and font and all that stuff. Mat helped me do everything. I think making announcements is more fun than writing his paper.
Tonight my mom and I are going to get everything we need to complete the announcements. I will try to refrain from buying anything else. But I can't make any promises! All of these cards are so cute and all I want to do is just sit at home making cards. And look at cards other people have made.
Back to work time!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
My Ring!

I finally went to get a picture of my wedding ring since the ones we took turned out bad. So here is the engagement ring and wedding bands all together. There are two separate bands that I'll get on our wedding day! I'll try to take some pictures of it again and maybe everyone can see it on my finger!
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
Mat is at the doctor right now, waiting to find out about his finger. Just a quick recap - he cut his finger a couple weeks ago while he was at work and had to get stitches. Then a couple days before the stitches were to come out, he moved his finger the wrong way and it got all swollen and he couldn't straighten his finger out! So he went to get out the stitches and the dr. thought that he had ripped a tendon, but he needed to see a hand specialist to see if he needed surgery! So I am waiting to hear how it went today.
Mat got x-rays and they told him for sure that his tendon was ripped or cut. BUT the guy he went to see wasn't a hand surgeon like they said he was going to be. So now he has to make an appointment with a hand surgeon to see if they are going to do surgery or if he is going to wear a splint on it for several weeks. So we didn't really find out much of anything except that it is for sure cut.
I got the base paper last night for Mat's announcements for graduation. Now I just need to find the rest of the paper! I really hope these turn out looking okay. I will feel better once I can start working on putting them together. Bye for now!
Mat got x-rays and they told him for sure that his tendon was ripped or cut. BUT the guy he went to see wasn't a hand surgeon like they said he was going to be. So now he has to make an appointment with a hand surgeon to see if they are going to do surgery or if he is going to wear a splint on it for several weeks. So we didn't really find out much of anything except that it is for sure cut.
I got the base paper last night for Mat's announcements for graduation. Now I just need to find the rest of the paper! I really hope these turn out looking okay. I will feel better once I can start working on putting them together. Bye for now!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter Weekend Wrap-up
What a good weekend! The weather was great for the most part and I just always love a good weekend. Friday night was a good night for Mexican food with my sister and a marathon of America's Next Top Model. Man, that is one good show! It was fun to hang out with my sister, as it always is!
Saturday, Mat and I took our time getting up and getting ready. I decided to run to a scrapbook store and check out their goods for some invitation ideas. Then I came back home to get Mat and we went to his sister's house to see his nieces, his sister and his mom and Nick. It was so fun to see them! We played hide-and-seek and they grilled some hot dogs, brats and hamburgers. Mat and I didn't eat (maybe just a few chips and dip!) because we were headed over to my parents house for dinner. My mom cooked up some delicious bruschetta and these yummy cracker things for appetizers, lasagna, green beans and garlic bread for dinner and cheesecake for dessert! Yum and we were full! Then we played Seafarers of Catan and that lasted late into the night.
Sunday I went back out to my parents to collect our last load of laundry that wasn't finished drying when we left and just hung out there for awhile. I had dropped Mat off at the library so he had no escape from homework! Then went to the grocery store and back to get Mat and head home. We decided to watch Snakes on a Plane, which was one silly movie. It was kind of funny, but mostly a little ridiculous. But that is okay, we knew that when we rented it!
So there you have it! A lovely weekend and now it is a little chilly and I think it is supposed to be like this all week. Come back 70 degrees, come back!
Saturday, Mat and I took our time getting up and getting ready. I decided to run to a scrapbook store and check out their goods for some invitation ideas. Then I came back home to get Mat and we went to his sister's house to see his nieces, his sister and his mom and Nick. It was so fun to see them! We played hide-and-seek and they grilled some hot dogs, brats and hamburgers. Mat and I didn't eat (maybe just a few chips and dip!) because we were headed over to my parents house for dinner. My mom cooked up some delicious bruschetta and these yummy cracker things for appetizers, lasagna, green beans and garlic bread for dinner and cheesecake for dessert! Yum and we were full! Then we played Seafarers of Catan and that lasted late into the night.
Sunday I went back out to my parents to collect our last load of laundry that wasn't finished drying when we left and just hung out there for awhile. I had dropped Mat off at the library so he had no escape from homework! Then went to the grocery store and back to get Mat and head home. We decided to watch Snakes on a Plane, which was one silly movie. It was kind of funny, but mostly a little ridiculous. But that is okay, we knew that when we rented it!
So there you have it! A lovely weekend and now it is a little chilly and I think it is supposed to be like this all week. Come back 70 degrees, come back!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
So yesterday's part day off was a success! Or a ton of fun anyway. We started off getting bagel sandwiches for lunch, which are always delicious. Then we headed out to look at makeup and I found some that I liked, but we had to order it so I didn't actually get any yesterday. I am excited for it to come! I really think I am going to like it so much.
Then we went craft crazy! Well, I guess not really crazy, but we went to a ton of different craft stores just wandering through the aisles looking for great ideas to make. I think I could look at crafts all day. I think I am going to make Mat's graduation announcements since the official BSU ones from Jostens are almost $2 a piece! I need to get some ideas and I found some when we were looking yesterday. There is so much to take in at those places, it is almost overwhelming. So that was our fun day!
I came home and Mat and I went on a nice little hike through the foothills. It was a really hard one and we even had to stop for a minute to catch our breath. But we have just really been enjoying our walks. The weather is so great and it is so nice to get to talk for a good hour without any other distractions. Then we came home and heated up some leftovers for dinner. Tonight we'll have this chinese pork BBQ that has been in the slow cooker all day. I sure hope it is good because I am already hungry for dinner.
AH! I almost forgot! My parents got our reception and wedding site booked today! So we are officially getting married on June 21, 2008. I can't believe it seems like so far away, but I am sure this year will fly by. Now we can concentrate on all the details.
Tomorrow is Friday! Hooray for that. My sister and I are hanging out tomorrow and I can't wait! It has been several weeks since we have sat down and talked and since I have even seen her! I am excited to hear news about my niece and how her room is coming along. They registered last weekend, so I am hoping to hear about the things they registered for too! So much to talk about.
Tonight I am looking forward to a nice, quiet evening with Mat. We are going to catch up on some shows, eat our Pork stuff and maybe even enjoy a couple beers. We are crazy like that!
Then we went craft crazy! Well, I guess not really crazy, but we went to a ton of different craft stores just wandering through the aisles looking for great ideas to make. I think I could look at crafts all day. I think I am going to make Mat's graduation announcements since the official BSU ones from Jostens are almost $2 a piece! I need to get some ideas and I found some when we were looking yesterday. There is so much to take in at those places, it is almost overwhelming. So that was our fun day!
I came home and Mat and I went on a nice little hike through the foothills. It was a really hard one and we even had to stop for a minute to catch our breath. But we have just really been enjoying our walks. The weather is so great and it is so nice to get to talk for a good hour without any other distractions. Then we came home and heated up some leftovers for dinner. Tonight we'll have this chinese pork BBQ that has been in the slow cooker all day. I sure hope it is good because I am already hungry for dinner.
AH! I almost forgot! My parents got our reception and wedding site booked today! So we are officially getting married on June 21, 2008. I can't believe it seems like so far away, but I am sure this year will fly by. Now we can concentrate on all the details.
Tomorrow is Friday! Hooray for that. My sister and I are hanging out tomorrow and I can't wait! It has been several weeks since we have sat down and talked and since I have even seen her! I am excited to hear news about my niece and how her room is coming along. They registered last weekend, so I am hoping to hear about the things they registered for too! So much to talk about.
Tonight I am looking forward to a nice, quiet evening with Mat. We are going to catch up on some shows, eat our Pork stuff and maybe even enjoy a couple beers. We are crazy like that!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Half Day of Vacation!
Whoop, whoop! I am so excited for my half day of vacation to begin. In about 20 minutes, I am headed out of work for the rest of the day! My mom and I are going to lunch, to get our makeup done and to do some craft shopping. I can't wait!
I don't know that we'll do any wedding shopping today. But who knows, we might run into a store if we happen to see one. We are definitely going to do wedding dress shopping a little later. I was thinking when it got a little warmer outside.
Last night Mat and I watched Open Season, an animated movie by Sony Pictures. It was okay, but it didn't compare to Shrek and some of the other really good animated movies. I made a new recipe of chicken, which was kind of boring. And I made green beans in the oven and they turned out really good. I mixed a tiny bit of olive oil with some teriyaki sauce, garlic powder and cayenne pepper and threw them in a pan at 400 for 30 minutes. I thought they were really good and liked the teriyaki flavor. Mat did too, but he said they were salty, so maybe we would need to get low sodium teriyaki sauce next time. We have the low sodium soy sauce, but not teriyaki. I was going to make a slow cooker recipe this morning, but decided that leftovers would be easier and I can make the slow cooker recipe tomorrow.
My parents ordered a few magazine subscriptions for me to different bride magazines and I am so excited! I am really looking forward to getting them in the mail and seeing what ideas come from them. I already have a few good ideas from the magazines I got right when we got engaged. We're really excited to start planning everything. I hope we can do a lot of it this summer.
Well, I guess I better go since my mom should be here any minute!
I don't know that we'll do any wedding shopping today. But who knows, we might run into a store if we happen to see one. We are definitely going to do wedding dress shopping a little later. I was thinking when it got a little warmer outside.
Last night Mat and I watched Open Season, an animated movie by Sony Pictures. It was okay, but it didn't compare to Shrek and some of the other really good animated movies. I made a new recipe of chicken, which was kind of boring. And I made green beans in the oven and they turned out really good. I mixed a tiny bit of olive oil with some teriyaki sauce, garlic powder and cayenne pepper and threw them in a pan at 400 for 30 minutes. I thought they were really good and liked the teriyaki flavor. Mat did too, but he said they were salty, so maybe we would need to get low sodium teriyaki sauce next time. We have the low sodium soy sauce, but not teriyaki. I was going to make a slow cooker recipe this morning, but decided that leftovers would be easier and I can make the slow cooker recipe tomorrow.
My parents ordered a few magazine subscriptions for me to different bride magazines and I am so excited! I am really looking forward to getting them in the mail and seeing what ideas come from them. I already have a few good ideas from the magazines I got right when we got engaged. We're really excited to start planning everything. I hope we can do a lot of it this summer.
Well, I guess I better go since my mom should be here any minute!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Look at me!
I thought I would try a quiz and then post the results here. I like to copy Deana! I hope this works.
You Are Japanese Food |
![]() Strange yet delicious. Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw. |
Monday, April 2, 2007
What a great weekend! I do love every weekend, but this one was really nice. It started off when I got off work early on Friday. I headed home and Mat and I took a nice little walk around our neighborhood. Then we decided to pick up a pizza for dinner and stopped for some movies, that we didn't even watch! We caught up on our favorite tv shows for the week and then ended with a couple episodes of Friends.
Saturday morning Mat's boss called and said he didn't have to work! So we went back to sleep, but did wake up pretty early to get our day started. We went to get a paper and looked up some different open houses that we wanted to go to that afternoon and that is just what we did! It was pretty fun, but we didn't find any keepers. It is just fun to get out there and look. Then we went to my parents house for dinner. Hamburgers, oven fried potatoes and asian coleslaw! We also had some leftover dip that Mat's mom made and was delicious, as well as some dessert that I made. We played my new board game I got for my birthday and it was a lot of fun! It took us awhile to get through all the directions, but it was fun once we got the hang of it. Then we played Taboo for a few rounds before Mat and I headed home. I love board games. :)
Mat had homework on Sunday, so I went to the grocery store and did some cooking. I made some breakfast burritos for us to eat for breakfast all week long. We had some today and they were pretty darn good. Tonight I am trying a new recipe - I can't remember the name, but it is chicken. I'll include the recipe if it is any good. We watched Man of the Year last night. It was okay, but not what we had expected. We kept thinking it was a comedy and it was really more of a drama. Not too bad, but not exactly what we had been hoping for.
I think we'll go on a walk tonight and that is all we have planned for now. Mat has some kind of homework that is due tonight, so he might have to work on that all night. Yuck for him.
Saturday morning Mat's boss called and said he didn't have to work! So we went back to sleep, but did wake up pretty early to get our day started. We went to get a paper and looked up some different open houses that we wanted to go to that afternoon and that is just what we did! It was pretty fun, but we didn't find any keepers. It is just fun to get out there and look. Then we went to my parents house for dinner. Hamburgers, oven fried potatoes and asian coleslaw! We also had some leftover dip that Mat's mom made and was delicious, as well as some dessert that I made. We played my new board game I got for my birthday and it was a lot of fun! It took us awhile to get through all the directions, but it was fun once we got the hang of it. Then we played Taboo for a few rounds before Mat and I headed home. I love board games. :)
Mat had homework on Sunday, so I went to the grocery store and did some cooking. I made some breakfast burritos for us to eat for breakfast all week long. We had some today and they were pretty darn good. Tonight I am trying a new recipe - I can't remember the name, but it is chicken. I'll include the recipe if it is any good. We watched Man of the Year last night. It was okay, but not what we had expected. We kept thinking it was a comedy and it was really more of a drama. Not too bad, but not exactly what we had been hoping for.
I think we'll go on a walk tonight and that is all we have planned for now. Mat has some kind of homework that is due tonight, so he might have to work on that all night. Yuck for him.
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