Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Weekend Wrap-up

What a good weekend! The weather was great for the most part and I just always love a good weekend. Friday night was a good night for Mexican food with my sister and a marathon of America's Next Top Model. Man, that is one good show! It was fun to hang out with my sister, as it always is!

Saturday, Mat and I took our time getting up and getting ready. I decided to run to a scrapbook store and check out their goods for some invitation ideas. Then I came back home to get Mat and we went to his sister's house to see his nieces, his sister and his mom and Nick. It was so fun to see them! We played hide-and-seek and they grilled some hot dogs, brats and hamburgers. Mat and I didn't eat (maybe just a few chips and dip!) because we were headed over to my parents house for dinner. My mom cooked up some delicious bruschetta and these yummy cracker things for appetizers, lasagna, green beans and garlic bread for dinner and cheesecake for dessert! Yum and we were full! Then we played Seafarers of Catan and that lasted late into the night.

Sunday I went back out to my parents to collect our last load of laundry that wasn't finished drying when we left and just hung out there for awhile. I had dropped Mat off at the library so he had no escape from homework! Then went to the grocery store and back to get Mat and head home. We decided to watch Snakes on a Plane, which was one silly movie. It was kind of funny, but mostly a little ridiculous. But that is okay, we knew that when we rented it!

So there you have it! A lovely weekend and now it is a little chilly and I think it is supposed to be like this all week. Come back 70 degrees, come back!

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