Friday, April 20, 2007

Busy Like a Bee

It has been way too long since my last post! I am sure everyone wonders what I have been doing that has kept me so busy. Well, first I would have to say work. I have been working like crazy this week and I still have a lot left to do on my list. We have a Board Meeting next week where I’ll be out of the office from Tuesday to Friday night. Which, unfortunately, is happening right when my mom is having surgery. But my Dad and my sister will be here to take care of her and then I’ll get to see her on Saturday when I get back. Work can be a real pain in the rear if you ask me.

Last weekend, my mom and I spent many hours working on Mat’s announcements for graduation. I think they turned out really good and I was proud of how they turned out. We have had a couple people call and thought they turned out really good! I’m sure some of the people haven’t actually received them yet. We are both really looking forward to his graduation. Only 3 weeks from tomorrow and he will be finished! I can’t actually believe it. I’m so happy and so proud of how awesome he has done in school, not to mention that he did it while he was working a ton and still did so great!

This weekend, our friend Marcus will be here, so Mat and I are really looking forward to seeing him. We are going out tonight to hang out and paint the town red. I don’t know what we have in store for the rest of the weekend, but I am hoping it has to do with relaxing! Maybe some movie watching, who really knows?

That’s about all I know for now. This week just blew by!

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