Saturday, March 28, 2009
Back Again!
So this morning I tackled my third week of html. I know this is going to take quite a while to master, but at least I am really getting the hang of things. I just figure that everyone has to start somewhere. Websites really didn't just make themselves up! It is kind of amazing to think about how much work is put into a simple website and how much more time it must take to create a working, interactive website.
This weekend is probably going to pass without any gardening. Again. But the weather just isn't going to cooperate with us. We still have a while until it is time to plant Summer veggies, but I did want to get some Spring veggies in the ground. We're still slowly gathering everything we'll need to create our raised beds and the mix we'll be putting in them. I am just getting antsy and want to get started!
Tonight we are going over to Alana and Ken's house for a little SingStar, probably some Wii Sports activities and maybe even a board game or two. I'm planning to bring a snack for us and can't quite decide on a recipe. I was thinking that I might make this stuffed jalapeno dip that sounds delicious. I'll let you know what I decide! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
2nd Week HTML
It is pretty interesting learning about html and I look forward to doing more in the future. I am just going to take it nice and slow and learn a little at a time. Maybe someday I will even have my own website that I created from scratch!
For Mat's birthday this year, we drove about an hour outside of Boise to get to a tubing hill and went tubing for 2 hours! It wasn't too packed and we had a lot of fun. It was just as scary as I thought, but I still had a good time!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm off to scan in some pictures from the pre-digital camera days.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
HTML and Waterfalls
So who knows? I probably should have gone with another one, but that's okay. It was really just for fun!
So I've decided that I am going to teach myself HTML. Or at least try. I'd like to at least somewhat understand it and it would be really cool if I could actually make my own website someday. I would imagine that it won't be that easy, but it is something I'm going to attempt. I found a free 10 week class on to learn it. You really can't beat free! They suggest using geocities' free websites for your practice for your homework. So here was my first assignment: Pretty darn impressive!! The one thing I don't like about the lessons is all of the advertisements. But I get that is the reason the lessons are free, so I'll just have to deal with them.
In other news around our house, I'm getting that Spring Cleaning Bug. I want to go through all of our rooms and get rid of things and organize and tidy things up. It doesn't mean that I am actually going to do all that! It was just a thought. One thing I've been looking into is doing something with our closet. UGH. I can't stand our closets and I want to rip all the clothes into shreds every time I have to go get something to wear. So we've been discussing options to see if there is anything we can do to improve the efficiency of our closet.
Now I'm off to create a grocery list for tomorrow and maybe talk closets with Mat. Sounds like a crazy afternoon!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I Need Spring!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
So I was thinking about entering a photo, but I can't decide which one I like. So I want to know what everyone thinks. It did say submit your favorite winter getaway, but it didn't specify anything else except that you can't include any identifiable people. Which is pretty funny because I looked at some of the entries already and there are a ton with people as the subject. Another mention - 80% are beach photos. So I only included one and it was a sunrise and not just a beach. So what does everyone think??