Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Still Kickin'

Here I am!  I know, I know.  It has been forever and ever since I blogged last.  My last post was after Thanksgiving!  Can you even believe that?  So I don't have many good excuses.  My main excuse is that December came and went in a matter of seconds.  With shopping, holiday parties, celebrating Christmas, it was like there wasn't even time to sleep!  And then I think it was just that I hadn't blogged in so long that it would take forever to catch up on the last month, so I kept putting it off.  So after some encouragement from a fellow blogger, I decided to get back into the game!

So here I am!  Mat and I have become devout kick boxers.  We started in the fall, but just went once a week for a month or two.  Then December came and the gym was basically abandoned for a good three weeks.  So starting the first of January, we made a commitment to our kickboxing class and have attended 3 days a week (with the exception of a couple missed days here and there) for the last 2 months.  We are so dedicated to our class that we bought our own gloves and we even bought heart rate monitors!  It's the hardest I've ever worked out before, but it is really getting me in shape!  Our heart rate monitors just came in the mail today, so I haven't even seen mine.  I do love toys!

So this morning I woke up around 4:30 to a strange clicking noise.  So I got out of bed to investigate and could hear something, but didn't know what it was.  So I got back in bed and kept hearing the noise.  It sounded almost like a drip, so I got back up to investigate.  I put my hand on the wall and sure enough, the wall was wet.  DANG!  So I woke Mat up and I felt bad because it was his sleep in day - he didn't have to work until 6am.  But he got up in the attic and looked around and couldn't see that the roof was leaking.  So now he is at home waiting for his dad to come check it out and see if he is missing something.  We're pretty sure it is not a pipe since it rained all night last night.  So I am keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't anything that is too hard to fix or requires us hiring someone to fix it.

So for all of you out there that enjoy recipes - Mat and I made one of our favorites last night: Quick Chicken Corn Chowder.  I found it on the cooking light website, which is where I get most of my recipes.  It really is a fast recipe, especially if you get a rotisserie chicken from the store and you don't have to cook the chicken.  I've been working on my personal cookbook, which is basically a collection of our favorite recipes.  This one is in there and we've made it quite a few times this winter.  

So that's about what we're up to.  I wish it was more exciting, like we were on a secret mission.  We did both have birthdays!  Mat threw me a kind of surprise party and it was the best Mexican Fiesta in the world.  There were chips and queso and salsa, tacos, taquitos, margaritas, mexican beer, and on and on.  I even had a pinata.  It was definitely the best birthday ever and Mat put so much time and effort into it.  He really is the best husband in the universe.

I hope everyone is wonderful!  I'll try to get back on here more often than the last few months.  :)


east end jenn said...

Well, if you were on a secret mission, and you blogged about it, it wouldn't be a secret mission anymore, would it?

Deana said...

Happy late birthday, and welcome back to blogging. I think everyone through the winter tends to take a break. At least, that's what I've noticed in the several years I've done it.

Chi said...

I'm so glad you are back! I've missed you!!! Happy belated birthday!