Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

Mat is at the doctor right now, waiting to find out about his finger. Just a quick recap - he cut his finger a couple weeks ago while he was at work and had to get stitches. Then a couple days before the stitches were to come out, he moved his finger the wrong way and it got all swollen and he couldn't straighten his finger out! So he went to get out the stitches and the dr. thought that he had ripped a tendon, but he needed to see a hand specialist to see if he needed surgery! So I am waiting to hear how it went today.

Mat got x-rays and they told him for sure that his tendon was ripped or cut. BUT the guy he went to see wasn't a hand surgeon like they said he was going to be. So now he has to make an appointment with a hand surgeon to see if they are going to do surgery or if he is going to wear a splint on it for several weeks. So we didn't really find out much of anything except that it is for sure cut.

I got the base paper last night for Mat's announcements for graduation. Now I just need to find the rest of the paper! I really hope these turn out looking okay. I will feel better once I can start working on putting them together. Bye for now!

1 comment:

Deana said...

Ouch! Hope he finds out soon and it gets to feeling better!