Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Bloggingness

I don't see any reason why I can't make up new words that have to do with the word blog. Everyone says blog now and I bet it is even in the dictionary. At my college job waiting tables, I used to make up words and try to see if other people would start using them. I could usually convince a few people, but that was just because they thought it was funny. Do you think you make any money if you make up a new word? Probably not.

So this weekend Mat and his dad are going to install our new roof! It is so exciting to see our shingles just sitting on top of the house waiting to be installed. I will probably be having panic attacks all weekend that Mat is going to fall off. I thought about going out of town and acting like it wasn't happening. I wouldn't say I am scared of all heights. I'm okay if I'm in a building looking out a window, or there is a really good steady railing on a balcony. But standing freely where I might fall to a tragic death if pushed or a strong wind blows me over, is not my idea of fun. I tried to get on the ladder when Mat was putting up Christmas lights and got to the third step and Mat had to carry me down and get me a paper bag to breathe in. So maybe I am exaggerating a little, but I'm not looking forward to Mat dangling from our roof all weekend. I'm going to take picture tonight of our before roof. I'll get those up sometime this weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! We're going to dinner with my parents tonight and then we'll head over to their house sometime this weekend to put the wedding invitations together! I can't believe it will be two months away on Monday. I guess time really does fly!

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