Thursday, March 6, 2008

Movies and Chemical Peels?

So the chemical peel went well. It didn't burn my entire face off! It was sure interesting and I am going to be doing several more. I've got my next one scheduled for April 1. I think my face is already starting to peel, revealing my "new" skin. Hee hee. I don't know about this, but I sure hope it makes a difference. I don't think I'll really be able to tell until I do a few more. Maybe I'll be brave enough to post my before and after pictures!

We watched I Know Who Killed Me and it was in fact, awful. Not nearly as bad as Dragon Wars, but Mat will argue with me on that one. It wasn't a good week for movies in our house. Which reminds me that we need to make a run to the movie store!

Hooray for Thursdays. I'm sure everyone knows that I do love Thursdays. I love Survivor and Lost and they both come on Thursday. Plus, we saved Big Brother from last night and we'll watch that tonight after dinner.

I have booked most of our hotel rooms for our honeymoon! Hooray! I have one more night to book and then our rental car and I think that is it for the honeymoon. Oh, I just can't wait.

The wedding, on the other hand, is not even close to complete. We're hoping to make it to Salt Lake City next weekend to take advantage of the big city and hit IKEA and some other stores we don't have in Boise to try to figure out what we want to do for the reception as far as decorations. We still don't really know what we're doing for centerpieces and the rest of the room's decor. That trip is still tentative, but hopefully we can finalize this weekend.

I noticed today that I'm closing in on 100 posts. Look for my special 100th post soon!

1 comment:

Deana said...

Ikea is the place for centerpiece stuff! Cheap candles and mirrors, and vases, I love IKEA!!!!