Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Some Things Don't Make Sense

I now have cable in my office at work. Why, you ask? I don't know. I have no reason for cable in my office and don't know why the bosses decided to wire everyone's office for cable. It's not like I'm going to start watching My Super Sweet 16 for meeting planning ideas. Some of the offices are getting cable and TVs so that they can monitor the legislative session. That makes sense, but why me? Some things can't be explained.

Another thing that doesn't make sense is why Mat continues to honk at squirrels in the road. I love that man to death, but it just doesn't make sense to me. For those of you who don't know Boise, there are squirrels everywhere in the neighborhood north of downtown (where we used to live) and in the are we live in now (south of downtown). They are actually all over the place. They are cute and I could kiss one if they would let me. He tells me that he honks at them because he wants them to stay out of the street and if he continues to honk at them, they'll figure it out. But I keep telling him that it isn't the same squirrel over and over again and that other people aren't honking at the squirrels. It it the cutest thing I've ever seen. Although I think that about most everything he does.

Tonight we're off to yoga. I like to call it old people yoga because it is a group of retired folks and then Mat and I. We like it and the instructor, so we don't want to switch to another group. It just gets awkward when we go into the corpse pose, or savasana, some of them fall asleep and start to snore. It's hard to not laugh when people are snoring.

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