Sunday, February 17, 2008

3 Day Weeekends are the Best!

So it is Sunday night, BUT I don't have to work tomorrow! Hooray for President's Day!

We have just been having the best weekend. It all started with Mat's birthday on Friday. We had a delicious dinner with his mom and Nick at Corona Village - our favorite little Mexican place. Then we came home and he opened his gifts! He liked everything I got him. I went pretty pratical, but I knew he was getting some fun stuff from other family. He got a couple pair of pajama pants, some warm up/workout pants, some workout shorts, a new wallet, a new CD. That's it! But he liked everything, so it was a success. Then we watched Lost and Reno 911.

Saturday morning I got to live in Mat's shoes! I woke up at 4:30 as he was getting up to work so I could watch two of his nieces for a few hours. I just don't know how he gets up so early. I did it, but I only had to do that once AND I got to stay in my pjs! The girls watched Shrek and laid in bed, but then they were ready to do something, so Brianne and I played Monopoly and Maykayla played with some computer program that I know nothing about. But it looked like fun! Then Johnny came to pick them up and I finished cleaning our house. Mat came home around 1 and we had some lunch together. And then it was time for a nap! We took the longest nap - I think about 3 hours! But man, I was tired.

That night, Cory and Christina came over for Board games. It was so good to see them - it is the first time to see Christina since they told us she was pregnant and she is just the cutest thing. They find out this week what they'll be having and then will have lots of fun decisions to make. We played Pictionary (Mat and I totally won) and then Scene It Squabble (Christina and I won that). They headed home and Mat and I played some video games and then turned in.

Today we got up and going at a decent time, so we got to clean my work and then head to pick up a birthday present for Brianne right before her birthday party. I know, totally last minute! We even wrapped it in the parking lot. With no scissors. I am totally the master wrapper. It didn't look that good, but kids don't really care! Then we met Mat's family at Primo's pizza buffet for some pizza and presents! All four of his nieces were there and it is so fun to see them all. We ended up staying for a couple hours and then we left to finish our day. We got our groceries for the week and now are home and ready to relax.

I don't know what we are going to do tomorrow, but I'm sure we'll think of something fun. Even if it is just doing nothing around the house all day! I could go for a day of nothing. Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend. More soon!

1 comment:

Deana said...

what a full weekend! sounds like fun!

i hate waking up super early too...just makes the whole day seem to last forever!!! i could do with waking up a little earlier though!