Friday, February 29, 2008

Weekend Time!

I guess I am starting a couple minutes early, but it has been so quiet at work, I thought I would sneak in a quick little blog. Tonight we are headed to Cory and Christina's for a surprise birthday get together for Cory. We're looking forward to seeing them again and it hasn't been months like we usually go in between seeing each other.

Tomorrow, I think Mat and I are going to be running some errands most of the day when he gets off work. We are hoping to have a nice quiet night in since we have been running so much lately. We have a couple movies we might watch or maybe play a video game. We are going to try to register at Macy's this weekend, so that should be fun. I just hope the experience is better than when we went to Dillard's and we didn't even get to hold the scanning gun. Some lady just followed us around the whole time and it was so awkward. We're not going to even use that registry because we have picked out other things we would rather have at Bed, Bath and Beyond and hopefully Macy's. I am just excited to register for everything Martha Stewart. Don't tell Mat though!

Our weekends always seem to be packed with fun and excitement, so I'm looking forward to this one just like all the others! Better get myself packed up for the night. Bye for now!


Deana said...

You always have such planned out weekends! Do you ever just sit around? ;) Hope it was a good one!

Mat and Kristin said...

I wish! We actually have been sitting around all morning today. It has been nice and relaxing. I don't know why we always have something to do!!

Chi said...

Oooh, registering sounds fun:) I think I got scanner happy and scanned everything! I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend. I can't wait to be just a little bit closer!