Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Good Morning and Happy Valentines Day! So far it is turning out to be a nice day, with the exception of me sitting on the phone for 28 minutes so far on hold so I can return a computer at work. BOO! You would think they could work on their customer service a little. :)

How is everyone else's Valentines Day? Mat and I have plans to go to yoga and then we'll come home and make little pizzas together for our romantic dinner. Then we are going to have a nice bottle of wine and watch a little tv. I can't wait!

Then tomorrow is Mat's 25th birthday! I am excited for his birthday. We are going to go out with his mom and Nick tomorrow to celebrate and then he'll open presents. I'm looking forward to that!

I am off the phone - 43 minutes and they couldn't help me because my IT person wasn't here in the office. Just one more reason I can think of to boot him out of our office, but that will never happen.

Hope everyone has a great day. XOXOXOXO

1 comment:

Chi said...

Happy late heart day and happy bday to Mat! It sounds like you had a nice relaxing day/night. I'm looking forward to that after we get done with this whole real estate stuff!