Thursday, May 22, 2008


Now it is less than one month until our big day! Yikes. I am really looking forward to seeing all of our friends and family that are coming into town. I wish we could have a week to spend time with everyone. It will be such a great weekend!

This weekend, however, does not look like much fun. Mat and his dad are going to finish the garage roof, while I am going to be working on organizing our garage. Our garage has become a bit of a home to every single box we didn't all the way unpack. So there are boxes everywhere, opened and not unpacked. Then we have a million pounds of wrapping supplies. Tissue paper, ribbons, boxes, etc. and there is no rhyme or reason to any of it. So I'll try to work on that and hope that it isn't freezing. This morning it was in the 40s and I really thought we were past that! It is supposed to be cool and rainy (Spring returns) all through the weekend. Luckily it's Memorial Day weekend so I have a three day weekend!

Saturday will be fun lots of fun because I get to spend it shopping with my mom! We're going to hit all kinds of fun stores to get things ready for the wedding. So at least it won't be all garage organizing this weekend. I guess I still have one more work day to make it through until I get to the weekend!

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