Friday, May 2, 2008

50 Days!

Just 50 short days until Mat and I are officially husband and wife! I really think we're right on track with everything that needs to get done. I just can't believe how fast the time is flying by! I know the wedding will come and go before I even know it. I'm just trying to enjoy everything and take time to enjoy the slow moments with Mat while we can. I know our lives our just going to get busier over the next several weeks.

We sent out the invitations and already have quite a few RSVPs. We even came home to a present the other day! That was so exciting!

Work is keeping me busy these days and will be keeping me busy right up until the wedding, after the wedding and after the honeymoon! I'm ready for Friday night to get here. Tomorrow my mom and I are going shopping and then my sister and I are going to get together for dinner and some good old fashioned hang out time. I think Sunday we might work in the yard some. Who knows? We are a crazy couple...

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Maybe you could pick some dandelions. :)