Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Songs, Songs and More Songs

Tonight we meet with our DJ to go over our ceremony and reception choices for songs. I have a feeling he is going to be disappointed in us. Not only did we pick most of our songs, nowhere on our list is the YMCA, Chicken Dance, I Will Always Love You, etc. When I talked to him on the phone, he said that we could pick out specific songs to play, but that he will let us know if he thinks a song won't win the crowd or something like that. So tonight should be interesting, but ultimately it is our wedding reception, so we'll just have to be strong and stick up for our songs!

After we got into bed, we were talking about how maybe I should do some of my impressions for the wedding reception. Over the years, I've mastered some really great impressions. So I did my most famous three: Jerry Seinfeld, Arnold Schwarznegger and Yoda, but then I couldn't think of a single other impression. Mat and I just stared at each other blankly, but nothing was coming to either one of us. So we turned off the lights and a few minutes later one popped into my head and I had to start laughing because it is one of my favorites, inspired from a Saturday Night Live sketch, when Horatio Sanz plays Aaron Neville. In the end, I think we decided to save my impressions for another occasion. Preferably when no one is around but Mat.

Edited to add:
I forgot until just now about how Mat suggested that I do my Jeff Probst impression. And then I told him that just repeating the same thing that Jiffy says every week isn't exactly an impression. But I am always spot on.


Deana said...

i think you should make a video of your impressions and put it online!!!

and do kareoke at your wedding reception!

SandGs Mom said...

I know you wanted it to be a surprise for all your guests but you know what impersonation I am doing...Survivor!

Mat and Kristin said...

Deana, no way am I going to put my impersonations online! I would be way too embarassed.

S&G's Mom, I thought you had been practicing your Celine vocals?

SandGs Mom said...

oh i can do both but for sure Eye of the Tiger