Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fabulous New Year and Christmas! Mat and I had a great holiday season. We got to spend it with both our families, which was so fun that my parents were here! My aunt and uncle even came in for New Year's on their annual trip to McCall, so we got to see them on their way there and their way back.

We have some fun pictures of our youngest niece Violet on her first Christmas that I will post soon. She loved unwrapping the presents! They could have been empty for all she cared, she just liked tearing off the paper.

We also had our first houseguest this past weekend! Our niece Justis came to stay with us on Saturday night. We had lots of fun playing Disney Scene It, Clue and watching Monsters Inc. We hope she can come back soon!

As far as our New Year's resolutions go...

We are getting in shape for the wedding and honeymoon. We finally feel like we have enough to join the YMCA, so we started today. It was actually pretty fun to go with Mat and get to work out together. So we're going to be totally hot soon. :)

I am planning to do more yoga! It really helps to relax me and that is great for times when my job gets pretty stressful. I am also hoping the working out will help with that!

My other resolution is to blog more. I really enjoy it and I just don't feel like I set the time aside to do it. So here's hoping that I can find the time!

Mat plans to cut down on his candy intake. He loves candy, so this might be a hard one for him, but I know he can do it. And he doesn't plan to eliminate it completely.

So wish us luck! And I wish you all luck on your resolutions. Hugs and Kisses!


Deana said...

Happy New Year! This year is going to be a full one for you!

I'll be giving out my new blog address soon, with news of our plans to move.

Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I like your resolutions - so much that I might make some of the same ones myself!