Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Worn Out...

Work was not too much fun today. And then Mat and I worked out after work and now it is 8:00 pm and we haven't had dinner yet. Some days are just like this, I suppose, but they are not my favorite days. I like to have some time to relax and it seems like I don't have that time much these days!

We have two big things for the wedding we are still working on and we need to get them done as soon as we can. Our honeymoon (argh!) and our invitations. Hopefully, the invitations won't be as big of a pain as planning the honeymoon. You would think it would be lots of fun to plan your honeymoon, but we are just trying to get the best deal and use my points and all that stuff and it ends up taking so much time and research and then we start second guessing ourselves and what not. But hopefully we can take care of those two items and then be able to breathe for a minute.

It will also help once my conference is over and I can feel not so bogged down at work. Tomorrow will be a really long day for me since I am heading to a little town for a meeting with some Clerks for a meeting I'm planning this summer. Summer seems so far away right now! Especially since it is so cold right now. But at least once it is over, we'll be on the downhill slope toward the weekend! Ah, that is what I look forward to. Have a good night all.

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