Sunday, January 6, 2008


I woke up this morning to beautiful snow! We've had a few different snows already this season, but this was more of a surprise to me so it was a lot more fun!

I've been promising pictures of our littlest niece. So here is Violet on Christmas:
She didn't care much what was IN the packages, but she really liked opening them. The paper sounds were very fun!
So the great story of 2007...I like to call it the "Joy of Home Ownership." Our tub drain was starting to drain slower and slower, so Mat pulled off the drain to pull out the hair. There wasn't any hair in there, so I suggested that he plunge the drain. So he plunged it and all of a sudden it was completely stopped up. Argh! So we bought some drano type stuff (and then later I read how horrible that stuff is) and that didn't do a thing.
So we head to Home Depot, armed with our gift card from Mat's Grandma and buy ourselves a snake. We come home and Mat works for about an hour on the drain with the snake. Finally, he calls me in the bathroom and this is what I see when I come in:
EWWW!!! This is not our hair, by the way! So I just had to take a picture and include it for all to see. Even with this little incident we just love our house so much. We are so thankful every day that we can afford it and it is totally ours. I hope we can do some home improvement projects soon, but for now it is just wonderful.
In wedding news, I finally have my half of the bridal party set! My sister is going to be the Maid of Honor and Joy is going to be my Bridesmaid. I am so excited and can't wait to start looking at dresses. I promised they wouldn't be too horrible.
Mat and I are off to the gym and then to the grocery store this afternoon. Then we are free to do whatever we want! I think we might watch a movie and play a video game. We have been playing this fun game called Ratchet and Clank, Up Your Arsenal. I forget how much I love playing video games until I start playing them again.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

1 comment:

Deana said...

That drain picture totally made me gag! We've had to do that before...and ours was hair! I was so sicked out!

Hope you have a great week!